The Dr. Basil Nicholson Collection
Part 3 (1702-1754)

Item Picture Date DESCRIPTION
155 image No Date Anne Trial Halfpenny with small bust each side. BMC 708 (though listed as BMC 712 elsewhere, see Dr Nicholson's note reproduced below). Near Extremely Fine with reverse stress cracks round edge (see discussion in Peck of Newton's hammer test). This coin illustrated in Montagu, page 78. Traces of edge lettering "DECVS ET TUT?" (Dr Nicholson assures me there are traces of the edge reading but this writer must confess his inability to see these traces! This writer is not alone, as Dr Nicholson comments that the inscription has been missed by more recent owners, giving rise to its error listing of BMC 712.) This is a coin of great importance and it is almost certainly the finest known.

Ex J. B. Bergne (Sotheby 20-5-1873, Lot 1075).

Ex E. Shorthouse (Ludlow, Roberts and Weller, 29-11-1886, Lot 826).

Ex H. Montagu (part 4) (Sotheby 15-7-1897, Lot 138).

Ex J. G. Murdoch (Sotheby 12-6-1903, Lot 898).

Ex Rev. E. Rogers, collection purchased by Baldwins, 1950.

Ex Spink Coin Auction 95, 25-11-1992, Lot 257. Dr Nicholson writes at length in his notes about these undated Pattern Halfpennies. His notes are reproduced here in full: "Peck was almost certainly correct in regarding the double-obverse varieties as preliminary trial strikings of the 4 relevant Obverse dies. Perhaps, hoewever, he gave undue weight to the 6 variants with inscribed edges. A single Edging bar was used with the Castaing machine, and this had been made for the 1713 Halfcrown and was clearly unsuitable for the copper Halfpenny both from the words used and from its length, which could not be fitted onto the shorter edge. These cannot have resulted from a serious attempt to create a coin for actual use. The total number involved is very small -- we know of only the 7 examples named in BMC and this may well be all that were struck. They could very well be the result of a transient idea (? of Newton, or of one of his assistants), that it would be interesting to see if the Castaing machine would work satisfactorily on a copper flan. Presumably, this was tested on the Halfcrown bar because this happened to be available. Half a dozen attempts would be sufficient to show that it did not give a satisfactory edge, so that it was never worth the trouble of making a special Halfpenny bar. All of this could well have happened in a single working session. Because of the nature of the edging machine with a bar too large for a particular edge, no two edges would ever be identical. "In my opinion, one of Peck's few errors of judgement was to distinguish the random applications of the same edging strip to define four different pieces. BMC 708 - 711, and similarly the two BMC 713 and 714. This contradicts his own wise rule not to regard trivial variants of striking as distinct varieties. I suggest that BMC 708, 709, 710 and 711, and also BMC 713 and 714 should be merged into two single categories, and distinguished solely as "Edge from Halfcrown edge of 1713" and that these should be numbered BMC 708 and 713 only. "The presence of edge cracks in the two specimens [in this collection, 155 and 158] should not be seen as a fault as they demonstrate the problems Newton (as Master of the Mint) had to face in the attempt to strike satisfactory copper Halfpennies with the copper that was available to him. "The early "Trial" strikings of Queen Anne Halfpennies (up to BMC 720) probably do not exist in better condition than these. Certainly they do not in the British Museum collection which is mediocre for this reign and in some cases the coins are simply dirty."
156 image No Date Anne Trial Halfpenny with bust each side. Edge DECVS ET TVTA(N)NNO REGNI DVODECI imageimage • BMC 710 (almost certainly this piece listed, see below). Dr Nicholson notes: "This must have been struck as BMC describes in the last paragraph of Page 178, with the 'rolling being interrupted once or twice'. Wrongly attributed by Spink as BMC 709. This is presumably the Fred Baldwin piece in BMC 710, as it is unlikely that another piece was struck with precisely this edge." Near Very Fine, of the highest rarity and importance. (If

Ex Fred Baldwin, as thought, then also

Ex Clarke-Thornhill (part 1) Lot 780 on May 28th 1937, which was bought by Fred Baldwin for £2/12/-.) Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1994, item 8191 but not BMC 709 as stated, £295 (described as Very Fine). Also see Dr Nicholson's extensive notes under coin number 155 in this collection.
157 image No Date Anne Trial Halfpenny with bust each side. Plain edge. BMC 712. Very Fine, rare. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1993, item 3620, "A bold VF", £385. Also see Dr Nicholson's extensive notes under coin number 155 in this collection.
158 image No Date Anne Trial Halfpenny. Double Obverse. Plain edge. BMC 715. Product of Newton's early experiments in striking. EF with flan cracks resulting from Newton's early experiments in trying to use pure copper to strike coins. Extremely rare, BMC only records the Parsons piece, the current whereabouts of which is unknown to this writer. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1991, No 8179, EF, £400.
159 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 718. Obverse 1 + Reverse A. Edge Plain. Original, early striking. A few toning patches, choice Extremely Fine with traces of lustre on both sides. Extremely rare in such high grade. Purchased from Spink Coin Auction 75, 29-3-1990, Lot 361 (£212).
160 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 720. Obverse 1 + Reverse B. Edge Plain. Superb Good Extremely Fine and practically as struck with extraordinarily sharp detail. Even chocolate patina. Tiny carbon spot by the rose on the reverse. Purchased from Glendinings, 5-2-1992, Lot 118 (£190).
161 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. Double Reverse. Reverse C + Reverse D. BMC 722. Superb Good Extremely Fine and practically as struck with extraordinarily sharp detail. Even chocolate patina. Probably the rarest Anne Pattern Halfpenny in copper.

Ex G. J. Bascom F.R.N.S. (New York), Sotheby, 15-6-1914, Lot 245.

Ex Dr E. C. Carter collection purchased by A. H. Baldwin and Sons 1950.

Ex Peck, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969. Purchased from Dolphin Coins, List 6, 5-1-1995, No 480, £500.
162 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 724. Obverse 2 + Reverse A*. Heavily rusted reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck. Very rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 13-9-1989.
163 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 726. Obverse 2 + Reverse B*. Rusted Reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. Extremely Fine, most attractive, very rare. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1991, No 8182, GEF £200.
164 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny in Silver. BMC 727 (this piece listed). Dies 2+C*. Rusted reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. Extremely Fine. Extremely Rare. Only 2 examples located in Peck, this "P" piece and one other.

Ex C. W. Peck (Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, item 10106, £100, and later from B.A. Seaby Ltd.). Borrowed from Colin Cooke on permanent loan, June 2002.
165 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 728. Obverse 2 + Reverse C*. Rusted Reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck. Very rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 19-4-1988.
166 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny in Silver. BMC 729. Dies 2+D*. Rusted reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. (Peck quotes his own piece as sole location in BMC.) Good Very Fine or better and of the highest rarity. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1991, No 8184, GVF, £400.
167 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 730. Dies 2+D*. Rusted reverse die, as described by Peck in BMC. A "Piece de plaisir". Edge striated. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck. Very rare. Purchased from Spink Coin Auction 75, 29-03-1990, Lot 361 (£212).
168 image No Date Anne Pattern Halfpenny. BMC 731. Obverse 1* and Reverse C**. Edge plain. Probably by Bush between 1737 and 1745. Struck from a rusted Obverse 1 die and a rusted Reverse C after most of the rust had been polished away. Extremely Fine or better. Rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 10-5-1983.
169 image 1717 George 1st. BMC 768. Good Extremely Fine, with considerable lustre. An exceptional striking for a currency issue. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 20-10-1992.
170 image 1717 George 1st. BMC 768. 26mm diameter. Newton's problems with the striking of copper had obviously not been completely solved. Stress fractures were still evident, as this example demonstrates superbly. (Newton remained Master of the Mint until his death in 1727.) Old toned scratch on obverse, otherwise about Extremely Fine with hints of lustre. Purchased from Simon Porter, 7-2-1981.
171 image 1717 George 1st. BMC 769. Because this is in high grade, a trace of a weak stop is just visible after GEORGIVS. There is No Stop after REX. In lesser grade, as indeed the British Museum example is likely to be (as Peck did not photograph it), this would certainly be listed as BMC 769. (Peck records BM as sole location for BMC 769.) Good Very Fine/Very Fine, extremely rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 26-2-1981.
172 image 1717 George 1st. BMC 769. No Stop after REX and extremely weak stop after GEORGIVS. In lower grade, this would certainly be listed as BMC 769. The British Museum example, on which Peck based his entry, is not as good as this piece. Large flan 27.5mm which is outside Peck's limits, but it is not a proof striking. (Peck records British Museum as sole location for BMC 769.) Almost Extremely Fine/Good Very Fine, extremely rare. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, April 1985, item 2320 (photo).
173 image 1717 George 1st. Proof in Silver. BMC 771. Reverse inverted. Extremely Fine or better, toned with much underlying brilliance. A magnificent coin. Purchased from Glendinings, 24-4-1991, Lot 574.
174 image 1717 George 1st. Proof in Copper. BMC 772. Reverse upright . Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck. A superb specimen. Rare. Purchased from Spink Coin Auction 14, 19-3-1981, Lot 356 (£420).
175 image 1717 George 1st. Proof in Lacquered Copper. (See Peck's notes page 200). BMC 773. "Lacquered" seems inappropriate, though this term has traditionally been used. Dr Nicholson notes: "It is very difficult to define whether this is Lacquered, although such was the judgement of Spink during their best period. Light relected off the field gives a 'rainbow' colour impression that is not present in the ordinary, but immaculate, Copper Proof (no 174)." Good Extremely Fine or better. Excessively rare. (Peck recorded only the "J" specimen as available to commerce.) Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1992, item 3657, £600.
176 image 1718 George 1st. As BMC 774, though the stop after GEORGIVS is virtually non-existent. (Compare with BMC 775.) Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck with consideable, beautiful, red lustre. A superb example, almost certainly one of the finest in existence. Bought from Spink Numismatic Circular, April 1994, item 2398, described by Spink as "Considerable brilliance full lustre, practically as struck", £375.
177 image 1718 George 1st. Mis-strike. 30% off-centre. Fine, unusual and rare thus.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
178 image 1718 George 1st. BMC 775. No Stops on Obverse. Good Fine, extremely rare (Peck recorded only the British Museum example).

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
179 image 1718 George 1st. BMC 775. No Stops on Obverse. But Stop on reverse is clear. Fine, extremely rare (Peck recorded only the British Museum example). Purchased from Colin Cooke, 15-1-1982.
180 image 1718 George 1st. First N over A in BRITANNIA. BMC -- . The over-strike shows up clearly on an enlargement of the photo. The preceding A has an oblique, characteristic shape which is exactly replicated by the following letter where it overlies/underlies the N. Good Fine, extremely rare. Unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
181 image 1719 George 1st. BMC 782 (this coin listed). On the larger (27.5mm) flan of the second issue but with obverse of the first issue. This is 27.8mm. A Trial piece, with an obliquely grained edge. Weight 9.68g. See full discussion about this piece in Spink Coin Auction 48, page 71 and a briefer discussion in BMC, pages 200-1. Almost Extremely Fine. Excessively rare. (Only this and one other, somewhat worn, noted by Peck. This piece is almost certainly the finest known.)

Ex Dr E. C. Carter, collection purchased by Baldwin 1950.

Ex C. W. Peck (this coin listed in BMC).

Ex E. M. H. Norweb, Spink Coin Auction 48, 13-11-1985, Lot 520, £580.
182 image 1719 George 1st. BMC 791. Obverse 1. Very Fine/Good Fine, bold and attractive. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, April 1985, item 2321.
183 image 1719 George 1st. BMC 793. Obverse 2. Weak on obverse hair, as often occurs. Superb About Mint State with almost full lustre. As such, extremely rare, the more so as Obverse 2 is much rarer than Obverse 1. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 15-1-1982.
184 image 1720 George 1st. BMC 795. Very Fine or better. A most pleasing piece. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 26-2-1981.
185 image 1721/0 George 1st. BMC 796. Overstruck 1 lies to left of axis of 0. About Uncirculated, practically as struck with considerable mint lustre. Very rare but in this grade, extremely rare and probably amongst the finest in existence.

Ex Dr Terry Aitken (Canada), 5-6-1996, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996), £275.
186 image 1721/0 George 1st. BMC 796. Overstruck 1 lies to right of axis of 0. Some edge blemishes, a bold Good Fine or a little better. Rare. Purchased from D. G. Barney 19-4-1979.
187 image 1721 George 1st. BMC 797. Near Extremely Fine and much less common than Peck indicates. Clashed die evidence on the obverse (arm, trident and letter N from reverse). A most pleasing example.

Ex H. A. Parsons, 11-5-1954, Lot 668.

Ex C. W. Peck (not in Spink Numismatic Circular).

Ex E. M. H. Norweb, Spink Coin Auction 59, 17-6-1987, Lot 1539 (part). Purchased from Colin Cooke 4-9-1987.
188 image 1721 George 1st. BMC 797. (Dr Nicholson listed as BMC 799 but we feel this is an error.) Some evidence of double striking on both sides. Very Fine or better and much less common than Peck indicates. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 10-5-1983.
189 image 1721 George 1st. BMC 799. Reverse Stop after date. Fine, rare. Purchased from Mike Ewins 29-3-1979.
190 image 1722/1 2 over 1 in date. BMC -- . Altered date very clear on an enlargement of the photo. A little obverse encrustation, Good Fine, very rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
191 image 1722 George 1st. 2 over ?, needs further research and/or a higher grade piece. BMC 800. Good Fine, scarce.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
192 image 1722 George 1st. BMC 800. Almost Extremely Fine, practically as struck with no evidence of wear. This is one of the finest known specimens of this particularly elusive date. (The finest example we can recall seeing for this date. In fact, we cannot recall seeing any example in better than Good Fine previously.) Extremely rare in this grade. Bought from SCA 126, 14-07-1998, Lot 516, graded Extremely Fine by Spink.
193 image 1722 George 1st. Brass Proof. BMC 801 (this coin listed). Reverse upright. Specific Gravity 8.77 with 85% Copper, 15% Zinc, (a letter from Royal Mint is available, when Dr Nicholson has managed to find it!). The only other specimen is in the British Museum. Good Extremely Fine. As struck. A superb coin of the highest rarity.

Ex Rev E. Rogers, collection purchased by Baldwins, 1950.

Ex C. W. Peck (not in Spink Numismatic Circular, 1969).

Ex E. M. H. Norweb Spink Coin Auction 48, 13-11-1985, Lot 521, £446.
194 image 1722 George 1st. BMC 802. Inverted A for V in obverse legend. Dr Nicholson notes: "This is recorded in BMC as an inverted A for V in the obverse legend. Peter Lawrence has commented, 'The bar of the inverted A is a die flaw as close-up photo of the BM coin clearly shows'. This is quite correct, as close-ups of my various coins show. As several examples, including coins 194, 195 and 196 [in this collection] show the same appearance, this must result from a die flaw explained as follows: As the flaw lies over the letter as seen in the close-ups, it must have been present when the letter was punched in.. It must, therefore, have been on the sunken matrix (see BMC page 142 for further amplification) and so on any of the working dies made from this matrix. There seems no reason why this should not be retained as a recognised variety, as it is clearly recognisable, even though it was neither intentional nor the result of an error. In fact, the die also has other flaws, and the S of GEORGIVS and the X of REX both appear to be double-struck in both coins 194 and 195." It is not difficult, in close-up, to see that the die flaw extends not only inside the V but also beyond the V to the left. In the light of the above, with which we would agree completely, it behoves the collecting community to decide on an alternative way of describing this variety, as the present one is obviously incorrect. Perhaps: "Die flaw across V on obverse to give an impression of an inverted A", or does this lose the romance of the coin purporting to have an upside down incorrect letter? Almost Very Fine. Very rare, especially so for a date that is rarely ever seen above Fine grade.

Ex C. W. Peck (Spink Numismatic Circular, January 1970, item 699, purchased by Peck originally from B. A. Seaby Ltd) (£30).

Ex Dr. Terry Aitken (Canada), collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996),(£90).
195 image 1722 George 1st. BMC 802. Inverted A for V in Obverse legend. In fact, only a die flaw, as close-up scans clearly show. See discussion by Dr Nicholson given under an earlier coin (194). A strong Good Fine, very rare, particularly for this elusive date.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
196 image 1722 George 1st. BMC 802. Inverted A for V in Obverse legend. In fact, only a die flaw, as close-up scans clearly show. See discussion by Dr Nicholson given under an earlier coin (194). Fair, very rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 4-5-1996.
197 image 1723 George 1st. BMC 803. Extremely Fine with lustre on both sides. A quite exceptional coin and extremely rare in this condition. Purchased from Seaby, 2-6-1982, (£250), (wrongly described as BMC 805, but photo is clearly BMC 803).
198 image 1724 George 1st. BMC 806. Extremely Fine with lustre on both sides. A quite exceptional coin and extremely rare in this condition. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 26-2-1981.
199 image No Date George 1st. Obverse Brockage of Obverse 2 of the 2nd issue. Fine, the incuse brockage Good Very Fine, very rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
200 image 1720 George 1st. Reverse Brockage showing 1720. Fine - Good Fine, very rare.
201 image 1729 George II. BMC 830. Weight 9.72g. Tie ribands closer together, upturned ends, and formed by two raised lines depicting the edges. Extremely Fine or better, with traces of lustre on both sides. Very scarce in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 10-5-1983.
202 image 1729 George II. BMC 831. Weight 9.79g. No Stop on Reverse. Tie ribands wider apart, straighter, without upturned ends and wide, flat ribbons. Good Extremely Fine with underlying lustre on both sides, a couple of minor carbon spots on the reverse. Rare in this grade.

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, MC0278.
203 image 1729 George II. BMC 831. Weight 9.70g. No Stop on Reverse. Very Fine/Near Very Fine, very rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
204 image 1729 George II. BMC -- . Weight 10.06g. No Stop between II and REX. All the other stops are very well defined on both sides but there is not even a hint of a stop before REX. Very Fine or a little better. Extremely rare and hitherto unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
205 image 1729 George II. Copper Proof. BMC 832. Weight 9.35g. Reverse inverted. Reverse with double-striking, common on all proofs of this period. A few, very trivial surface marks, Almost FDC, a magnificent coin, very rare. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, February 1990, item 408, £325.
206 image 1729 George II. Proof in Silver. BMC 833. Weight 10.28g. No Stop after GEORGIVS. Reverse upright (a little off-vertical). Thin flan, 1.5mm. A few, very trivial surface marks, Almost FDC, a magnificent coin, very rare. Purchased from Glendinings Auction, 24-4-1991, Lot 579, £505.
207 image 1729 George II. Proof in Silver. BMC 834. Weight 12.46g. No Stop after GEORGIVS. Reverse upright. Thick flan, 2mm. 28% heavier than Dr Nicholson's BMC 833. Practically FDC with light, dusty toning. A glorious coin. Extremely rare (only 2 specimens recorded in Peck, both in museums). Purchased from Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, January 1983, item L12, 19-3-1983, £800, (purchased as BMC 833, error in listing).
208 image 1729 George II. Copper Proof. BMC 835. Weight 9.81g. No Stop after GEORGIVS. Reverse inverted. A few, very trivial surface marks, Practically FDC, a magnificent coin, very rare. Purchased from Glendinings Auction, 24-4-1991.
209 image 1729 George II. Copper Proof. BMC -- . Weight 7.31g which is 22% below the BMC minimum and 25% less than Nicholson's BMC 835. No Stop after GEORGIVS. Reverse inverted.Struck on a THIN flan. Not in Peck. A few, very trivial surface marks, Practically FDC, a magnificent coin, extremely rare, previously unrecorded and possibly unique. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 3-2-1998.
210 image 1730 George II. BMC 836. Weight 9.89g. A small stain on the obverse rim, Almost Extremely Fine with hints of lustre on both sides. Rare in high grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 10-5-1983, £72.
211 image 1730 George II. GEOGIVS error. BMC 837. Weight 9.87g. Also Reverse No Stop. Some usual weakness in striking, Practically Mint State with almost full lustre. Possibly the finest example in existence with this much lustre. Extremely rare thus.

Ex Hopetown House, Spink Coin Auction 68, 22-3-1989, Lot 603, £201.

Ex Dr. Terry Aitken (Canada), collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996). Purchased from Colin Cooke, 5-6-1996, £240.
212 image 1730• George II. BMC 838. Weight 10.45g. Stop after Date. Very Fine or better, with very little actual wear. Possibly polished a long time ago, now toning off and acquiring an attractive patina. Rare. Purchased from Aston Coins, 12-2-1981.
213 image 1730• George II. BMC 838. Weight 8.86g. Stop after Date.. Interestingly double-struck. Almost Extremely Fine with traces of lustre on the reverse.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
214 image 1730 George II. BMC 839. Weight 9.60g. No Stop after REX. No Stop after BRITANNIA. (Stops after GEORGIVS • II • are both very clear). Fine, a little dirty. Extremely rare (Peck records only one example). Purchased from Colin Cooke 4-5-1996. Note: A similar coin turned up in Pegg (Spink Coin Auction 11) but with a stop after BRITANNIA.
215 image 1731 George II. BMC 840. Weight 10.00g. Usual weakness in striking, Practically Mint State with almost full lustre. Extremely difficult to obtain in this high grade.

Ex Dr M. J. Mangahas, Spink Coin Auction 75, 29-3-1990, Lot 422, £310. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 5-6-1996, £330.
216 image 1731 George II. BMC -- . (Compare BMC 840.) Weight 10.43g. Struck on a large size 31.7mm flan. Slight clashed die evidence on the obverse. Good Extremely Fine. Toned. Very unusual. A deep striking with some prooflike characteristics. We have not seen another with this superb, prooflike quality. Purchased Spink Numismatic Circular, April 1985, item 2325.
217 image 1731 George II. BMC 841. Weight 9.77g. No Stop on Reverse. This is a different obverse and reverse die from the other BMC 841 in this collection. A little off-centre on a smallish 28mm flan. Usual striking weakness on raised surfaces, Near Extremely Fine, rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
218 image 1731 George II. BMC 841. Weight 9.04g. No Stop on Reverse. This is a different obverse and reverse die from the other BMC 841 in this collection. Near Very Fine/Good Fine, rare. Purchased 15-1-1982, £8.
219 image 1732/1 George II. BMC -- . . Weight 10.09g. 2 over 1 in the date. Much clearer in a close-up than on the accompanying photograph. Also with a Stop on the Reverse, (rarer than without a Stop.) Near Very Fine, very rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
220 image 1732/1 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.85g. 2 over 1 in the date. Much clearer in a close-up than on the accompanying photograph. No Stop on the Reverse (as BMC 843, which is also very rare). Good Fine, very rare, unrecorded. Purchased from Colin Cooke 10-5-1983, £17.
221 image 1732/1 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.77g. 2 over 1 in the date. Much clearer in a close-up than on the accompanying photograph. No Stop on the Reverse (as BMC 843, which is also very rare). Nearly Very Fine, very rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
222 image 1732/1 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.75g. 2 over 1 in the date. Much clearer in a close-up than on the accompanying photograph. No Stop on the Reverse (as BMC 843, which is also very rare). Nearly Very Fine, dirty surfaces with some encrustation on the rverse, very rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
223 image 1732 George II. BMC 842. Weight 10.13g. Good Very Fine, very scarce in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-5-1983, £30.
224 image 1732 George II. BMC 843. Weight 9.67g. No Stop on the Reverse. About Very Fine, rare. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-5-1983, £20.
225 image 1733 George II. BMC 845. Weight 9.84g. Usual weakness in striking, Extremely Fine with lustre on both sides. Very rare in this grade. Purchased Glendinings, 20-6-1990, Lot 991, £168.
226 image 1733 George II. BMC 845*. Weight 9.13g. No Stop after GEORGIVS or REX. There appear to be hints of extremely weak stops but nothing compared with the bold stop between II and REX. Peter Lawrence notes: "A falsely recorded variety, due to extremely weak stops. Needs deleting from BMC." Dr Nicholson comments in reply: "Perhaps so, but careful search at various scan settings show no real signs of actual stops in these two places, while the one before REX is very pronounced. I am inclined to side with Peck on this one." About Very Fine, extremely rare (Peck recorded only one location, his own.)

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
227 image 1733 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.41g. R over B in BRITANNIA. A careful appraisal of the coin shows that this is indeed correct. The initial B is 'squeezed in' to allow the space for the rest of BRITAN, when the die sinker realised he was not going to have enough room. The B is closer to the B than it would otherwise have been and it is also positioned out of alignment, being somewhat higher than usual. Both these facts lend credence and support to this being a definite, new variety. Good Fine, probably very rare, hitherto unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
228 image 1734/3 George II. BMC 846. Weight 10.40g. Dr Nicholson notes: "BMC lists only one altered date for 1734, which is the readily understandable 1734/3 (BMC 846). It gives two locations, viz H. D. Davis and Dr E. A. Johnstone. I have never seen a specimen, nor have I noticed the sale of one while I have been a collector. (The Shuttlewood sale, SNC Feb 2001, which included many of the Johnstone pieces, included what was listed as BMC 846 as No MC0287, EF, but did not mention an altered date.) The next three items, 228, 229, 230 in my collection, and possibly 231 as well, show apparent alterations of the 4 of the date, but none overlie a 3. (Although 228 was sold as 4/3.) They appear as though the 4 was struck over a Roman I, which in no weay resembles the numeral 1 as displayed on George II coins. (See especially 229, although 230 is probably from the same die.) I cannot offer any rational explanation for this, but none of the letters or digits are well-made. But does 1734/3 actually exist? Of course, scepticism may develop because of the assumption that a date-aleration arises only as the means of prolonging the life of a still effective die. But simple mistakes are possible in the date as much as in the legend." Though listed as 4/3, Dr Nicholson asserts this is not 4 over 3 (see note above). Good Fine, very rare. Purchased D. G. Barney, 19-4-1979.
229 image 1734/3/1 George II. BMC -- . Weight 10.10g. Possibly 4 over a letter I, as in BRITANNIA but a most curious overstrike requiring further investigation. Also, B in BRITANNIA appears to be altered from a D (a similar piece was described thus by Spink in the Pegg sale (SCA 11, 8-10-1980, Lot 561). The B is quite different from the other coins in the Nicholson cabinet. Pleasing Fair/Fine, very rare, requires further analysis.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
230 image 1734/I George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.64g. Struck from different dies from the previous coin (230). A bold Fine, presumably very rare, requires further analysis. Purchased Norfolk Coin Company, 24-4-1982, £12.
231 image 1734 George II. BMC 847. Weight 9.77g. An interesting piece. The 3 of the date is over a displaced 3, resulting from an inaccurate double strike on the working die. Dr Nicholson's sharp attention for detail, however, has also spotted from his close-up scans "a shadowy 4 just to the left of the 3 and the underlying displaced 3 is nothing more than a flan flaw". This writer is just able to see this shadowy outline of a 4 but has also spotted thin traces of another 4 lying close to but between the principal 3 and 4; these traces are easier to see than the Nicholson "shadow" of the other 4. Very Fine, an intriguing coin worthy of much more study. Very rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
232 image 1734 George II. BMC 847. Weight 9.39g. Some weakness in striking, Practically Mint State with virtually full mint lustre. Extremely rare in this condition. Purchased Glendinings, 11-12-1991, Lot 549, £145.
233 image 1734 George II. BMC 847 (variant). Weight 8.58g. First N of BRITANNIA is level with the spray. The legend is crowded on the left side of the reverse. The obverse letters are similarly 'packed in' on the left side. Pleasing Fine or a little better.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996), £18
234 image 1734 George II. BMC 848. Weight 9.90g. Obverse No Stops. Struck from the same dies as in Peck's photo on Plate 14 in BMC. A bold Fine or a shade better. Extremely rare, with only two locations cited by Peck. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-5-1983, £26.
235 image 1734 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.22g. Dr Nicholson notes: "B in BRITANNIA is over a D, or perhaps over an inverted B, or some other explanation. Unusual form." Very Fine, very rare and requiring further research.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
236 image 1734 George II. BMC -- . Weight 8.56g. B in BRITANNIA is over a D. This is not the same die as coin 235 in this collection. Also, the 4 of the date is over a much lower and weaker 4. Fine but relevant legend is very clear. At least very rare and unrecorded.

Ex H. Pegg, Spink Coin Auction 11, 8-10-1980, Lot 561. Purchased from Colin Cooke, Jan 1994,
237 image 1735 George II. BMC 849 (variant). Weight 9.99g. Large date numerals (much rarer than the small date numerals). Single exergue line. Spidery numerals, carelessly executed. Usual striking weakness, Good Extremely Fine with good lustre on both sides. Extremely rare for this variety in this condition.

Ex Bridgewater House, Sotheby, 16-6-1972, Lot 468 (part).

Ex Spink Coin Auction 14, 19-3-1981, Lot 390, £200. Purchased from Colin Cooke 15-1-1982.
238 image 1735 George II. BMC 849. Weight 9.06g. Small Date numerals (normal). Double exergue line. Very Fine/Near Very Fine. Scarce in this grade. Purchased from Rarity Coins 19-3-1981, £13.
239 image 1735 George II. BMC 849. Weight 9.55g. Small date numerals (normal). A different die from the previous coin (238). Double exergue line. Almost Very Fine, scarce in this grade.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996), £45.
240 image 1735 George II. BMC 849 (variant). Weight 9.78g. Intermediate size numerals in the date. (Rarer than Small or Large figures.) Single exergue line. IT of BRITANNIA very close together. The exergue line is shorter than usual. Dark copper tone, Good Very Fine. Scarce. Purchased from Colin Cooke , 10-6-1994.
241 image 1736/5 George II. BMC -- . Weight 10.68g. 6 over 5 in date. Extremely clear in a close-up and quite unmistakeable. In addition, the 3 of the date resembles a 5 making 1756 (according to Spink !). Fine/Good Fine, unrecorded.

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, MC0291, £30.
242 image 1736 George II. BMC 850. Weight 10.25g. Usual striking weakness, Near Extremely Fine, scarce thus.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996), £55.
243 image 1736 George II. BMC 850. Weight 9.49g. From a different die from the previous coin (242). A strong Good Fine. Purchased from Colin Cooke 10-5-1983, £10.
244 image 1736 George II. BMC -- . Weight 8.90g. "Triple Tie Riband". Probably a partially double-struck die, as no other part of the coin is double-struck. A strong Fine, hitherto unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
245 image 1736 George II. BMC -- . Weight 9.49g. Peter Lawrence notes (and echoed by Dr Nicholson): "Reputedly '6 in date over 0' but more likely to be a doubly-punched 6 on the die. As the double-striking is clearly limited to the 6, it must be a die fault." Fine, scarce.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
246 image 1737 George II. BMC 851 (variant). Weight 9.27g. Last two figures of the date have been re-entered. Likewise the exergue line. Usual striking weakness, Extremely Fine with some lustre on both sides. Very rare in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 11-5-1992, £85.
247 image 1737 George II. BMC 851 (variant). Weight 9.17g. 3 double-entered (on the working die). Large last 7 in date, which is also placed higher in the exergue. Fine/Good Fine, very scarce.

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, MC0292, £25.
248 image 1738 George II. BMC 852. Weight 9.82g. Usual striking weakness, Extremely Fine with some lustre on both sides. Very rare in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-5-1983.
249 image 1738 George II. BMC -- . Weight 10.15g. V over S in GEORGIVS. Another specimen sold in Glendinings Auction , 30-4-1986, Lot 315. Some striking weakness, Extremely Fine, the error very clear. An exceptional coin and very rare, particularly in this grade. Purchased Spink Coin Auction 75, 29-3-1990, Lot 424, £157.
250 image 1739 George II. BMC 853. Weight 9.71g. Usual striking weakness, Near Extremely Fine, rare in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 21-4-1982, £55.
251 image 1739 George II. BMC -- . Weight 8.17g. Single exergue line.Dr Nicholson notes: "Questionable. The second line may be too exiguous to show in so worn a specimen. BUT, I think the close-up scan is strongly in favour." Fine, granular surfaces. Purchased from Colin Cooke 10-6-1994, £10.
252 image 1740 George II. BMC 870. Weight 10.40g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with some lustre on both sides. Very rare in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-1-1990, £69.
253 image 1742/0 George II. BMC 871. Weight 10.10g. Altered date. 2 over 0. The underlying 0 is quite easily seen in a close-up and on the actual coin but it may not show up in the accompanying photo here. The underlying 0 is a little "wispy" and about the same clarity as a 1754/0 farthing (if you are lucky enough to own one). Good Very Fine or a little better. Purchased from Colin Cooke 10-5-1983, £38.
254 image 1742 George II. BMC 872. Weight 9.88g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with subdued lustre on both sides. Very rare in this condition.

Ex Buckland Dix and Webb, 8-11-1995, Lot 58 (£178).

Ex Dr. Terry Aitken (Canada), collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
255 image 1743 George II. BMC 873. Weight 9.65g. Clashed die evidence in the lettering on both sides. Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with some lustre on both sides. Rare in this state of preservation.

Ex Ross King (Canadian dealer), 1989.

Ex Dr. Terry Aitken (Canada), collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
256 image 1744 George II. BMC 874. Weight 9.85g. Good Very Fine, scarce.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
257 image 1744 George II. BMC 874. Weight 10.09g. A different obverse and reverse die from the other Nicholson example of this date (256). Light graffiti behind bust, Very Fine or better, with hints of lustre in the legends. Purchased from Aston Coins, April 1982, £28.
258 image 1745 George II. BMC 875. Weight 9.59g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with some lustre on both sides. Very rare in this grade.

Ex E. M. H. Norweb, Spink Coin Auction 48, 13-11-1985, Lot 542, £157.
259 image 1746 George II. BMC 876. Weight 8.37g. Showing Large G's in GEORGIVS. Extremely Fine or better, practically as struck, with considerable mint lustre on both sides. An excellent coin, very rare in this state of preservation. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1990, item 3594, £185.
260 image 1747 George II. BMC 877. Weight 9.93g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with almost full lustre on both sides. Extremely rare in this grade. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, June 1990, item 3595, £200.
261 image 1748 George II. BMC 878. Weight 10.15g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with almost full lustre on both sides. Extremely rare in this grade. Purchased from Colin Cooke 16-1-1990, £110.
262 image 1749 George II. BMC 879. Weight 9.86g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with almost full lustre on both sides. Extremely rare in this grade.

Ex Essex Institute (Salem, Massachusetts), Stack's Auction (New York), 6-8th Feb 1975, Lot 1233. Purchased from Spink Coin Auction 50, 7-3-1986, Lot 943, £190.
263 image 1750 George II. BMC 880. Weight 9.84g. Extremely Fine with patchy, blotchy lustre (?) on both sides. Scarce thus. Purchased from Sun Coins, 14-3-1979, £40.
264 image 1751 George II. BMC 881. Weight 10.17g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with considerable mint lustre on both sides. Very rare in this state of preservation. Purchased from Colin Cooke 18-1-1990, £110.
265 image 1751 George II. BMC 881. Weight 9.86g. Dr Nicholson notes: "Said to be Bramah 31a, i.e. 'The last figure of the date is given the appearance of an irregular T or Y'. This is merely an ornate 1, which at times has a strikingly bifurcated top. Peck refers somewhere !" Very Fine/Near Very Fine.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
266 image 1751 George II. BMC 881 (variant). Weight 10.54g. A heavier and larger flan than usual, in spite of the coin being well worn. Diameter 31mm and considerably above average weight and beyond the upper limit given by Peck. Interestingly, the tops of the letters are quite flat and not splayed out or 'fish-tailed' as one might expect on a spread flan. Good Fine/Fine, most unusual, not recorded with these features.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
267 image 1752 George II. BMC 882. Weight 9.70g. Good Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with considerable mint lustre on both sides. Very rare in this state of preservation.

Ex A. H. F. Baldwin.

Ex E. M. H. Norweb, Spink Coin Auction 59, Lot 1567, 17-6-1987, to Paul Wincott, £209. Purchased from Colin Cooke 11-5-1992, £150.
268 image 1753 George II. BMC 883. Weight 10.17g. Extremely Fine, practically as struck, with some lustre on both sides. Rare in this state of preservation. Purchased from Colin Cooke 18-1-1990.
269 image 1754 George II. BMC 884. Weight 9.75g. On the monarch's neck on the obverse and immediately to the left of Britannia's knee on the reverse there is an incuse letter T stamped onto the coin. We can offer no explanation for this curious anomaly. Good Very Fine/Extremely Fine, with countermark as described above. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 18-1-1990, £65.
270 image 1754 George II. BMC 884 (variant). Weight 9.76g. Large 31mm flan. Very Fine, rare on a large flan.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).

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