The Dr. Basil Nicholson Collection
Part 2 (1695-1701)

Item Picture Date DESCRIPTION
078 image 1696 (?) William III. GVLIELMVS DEI GRATIA, instead of GVLIELMVS TERTIVS. Pattern Halfpenny. Weight 10.51g. Dr Nicholson notes: "This piece is in poor condition but it is probably the most important in this collection from the numismatic point-of-view. I read the note in the Seaby Bulletin for November 1984 (that I copy below) with great interest, and have been looking out for it ever since. I saw no further reference to it until the Spink sale of Roger Shuttlewood's collection in 2001, from which the present specimen came. This is a slightly poorer example than the Cowley one, (which was photographed in the Seaby report), and which appeared to be dated 1696. Probably this is the Seaby coin referred to in the note [in Seaby bulletin below]. The note on it in the Spink Circular for February 2001 said 'probably unique and of the highest numismatic importance'. They obviously knew nothing of the Seaby experience of it. They gave Dr Johnstone as provenance who was a contemporary of Peck and who would have shown it to him if he had had it [before Peck went to press]. It is too interesting for Peck to have ignored. The legend GVLIELMVS DEI GRATIA is an assertion of William's divine right to the throne independent of his recently deceased wife Mary, who was closer in the succession. It was an important political statement in 1696 and as such this may be a propaganda medallion rather than a coin. Yet it is in all other respects identical with the 1696 currency halfpenny and it would be unusual to use the currency format for a medallion. Evidently both Seaby and Spink agree that it may be regarded as a pattern which was considered but not put into effect." From Seaby's Bulletin, November 1984 : A NEW VARIETY OF WILLIAM III HALFPENNY --- Nicholas Mayhew. "The coin illustrated was dug up in a garden in Cowley, Oxford and brought to the Heberden Coin Room in the Ashmoleum Museum for identification. It is a William III Halfpenny of 1696, with an unusual obverse legend, reading GVLIELMVS DEI GRATIA instead of the more usual GVLIELMVS TERTIVS. This type was not known to Peck but Graham Dyer and Peter Gaspar examined a similar piece some years ago for Seaby's. The Seaby coin was even less well preserved than the Cowley piece and Dyer and Gaspar reserved their judgement, but the appearance of the second coin of this type in slightly better condition tilts the balance in its favour. The style and workmanship are good, the weight, 9.83g, acceptable, so this new variety is now tentatively offered as a genuine, though rare, circulation piece. It therefore seems worthwhile to place this variety on record. More examples may well come to light to confirm or question this assessment. In the meantime, my thanks are due to Mr Dyer without whose knowledge and advice this note could not have been written." Fine/Fair, one of only two known examples.

Ex Dr. E.A. Johnstone, collection purchased by Baldwin (1973).

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, item MC 02206.
079 image 1695 William III. BMC 638. Weight 10.03g. Practically as struck, with lustre.This extremely rare date is seldom seen in any condition. This example must be one of the finest known and is quite outstanding. Purchased from Colin Cooke, 15-9-1977.
080 image 1695 William III. Clashed die, showing back of Williams head to the left of Britannia. BMC 638. Weight 9.43g. Fine but with an unusual damage mark in an exactly corresponding position on both sides of the coin. Extremely rare date.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
081 image 1695 William III. Struck on thick flan. This coin listed in BMC. Weight 222.8gr (14.43g). Very Fine. The only known specimen.

Ex Dr E. C. Carter, collection purchased by A.H. Baldwin 1950.

Ex C. W. Peck, collection purchased by Spink 1964-1968.

Ex E. M. H. Norweb (part 4), Spink Coin Auction 59, 17-6-1987, Lot 1513 (photo), £424.
082 image 1695 William III. No Stop after BRITANNIA. BMC 640. Weight 10.21g. (Similar piece in British Museum, listed by Peck as sole location). Striking fault on obverse, Good Fine, extremely rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
083 image 1696 William III. BMC 641. Weight 8.41g. Extremely Fine with original mint lustre. Extremely rare so choice.

Ex Hopetown House, Spink Coin Auction 68, 22-3-1989, Lot 582.
084 image 1696 William III. BMC 641. Weight 10.68g (different die to previous coin (o83)). Good Very Fine/Very Fine, very rare in this grade.

Ex Spink Coin Auction 95, 25-11-1992, part lot 251.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
085 image 1696 William III. BMC 641. Weight 11.08g. Off- centre striking on a thicker than usual flan. A pleasing Fine, an interesting off-centre striking.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
086 image 1696 William III. BMC 641, small oval flan. Crazy positioning of letters in TERTIVS with the R extraordinarily askew. Weight 8.82g. Smaller, oval flan, some flan defects, Fine or a little better, most unusual. Purchased from Nigel Clark (1979).
087 image 1696 William III. GVLIEMVS spelling error and No Stop on Reverse. BMC 642. (Much clearer than the Peck specimen). Weight 9.67g. (What may appear in the photo as a tiny stop after BRITANNIA right on the edge of the flan is only a tiny edge nick, as is quite obvious when looked at 'in the flesh'.) A pleasing Fine with a light colour, which might be the result of light cleaning at some time in its history. Extremely rare (only 2 locations given in Peck). Purchased from Nigel Clark, 18-12-1980.
088 image 1696 William III. • TERTVS • error legend. BMC 643 (this piece listed and photographed in BMC). Weight 11.72g. (See also British Numismatic Journal, Volume 4, (100 years ago!) page 333.) Good Fine, or a little better. Extremely rare (this specimen is the only recorded specimen in Peck).

Ex E. H. Wheeler, 12-3-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579.

Ex H. D. Davies, collection purchased by Baldwin ca 1955.

Ex C. W. Peck, collection purchased by Spink 1964-1968.

Ex E. M. H. Norweb, Spink Coin Auction 59, 17-6-1987, Lot 1514.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
089 image 1696 William III. • TERTVS • error legend. BMC 643. Weight 10.77g. Die crack and edge deformity caused in striking, a bold Fine. Extremely rare. (Peck recorded only the one specimen listed in this collection (Coin No. 088).) That the Nicholson collection should have two specimens of this major rarity is quite remarkable. Purchased from Nigel Clark, 14-3-1981.
090 image 1696 William III. Obverse from double- struck die, i.e. the actual die was double-struck, resulting in all coins produced from it appearing with the same doubled effect. Note the tie riband in particular, though there are other areas as well, e.g. top of the leaves. Also note the tiny M in GVLIELMVS, which characterises this die. BMC 644. Weight 8.41g. The reverse has a clashed die (?) showing the back of the head and broad tie ribands from the obverse. Three specimens are now known, all showing exactly the same doubling, thereby proving conclusively that the die was double-struck and not the coin. Indeed, in preparing dies, it was often necessary to use repeated blows and therefore it is just as likely that the die is double-struck as an actual coin might be. Indeed, it would provide an interesting field of study, as there may well be coins, listed as double-struck, which may well turn out not to be double-struck but merely the product of a single striking from a double-struck die. This is discussed more fully in Peck, page 169 to which the reader should refer. Nearly Very Fine and equally as good as the British Museum specimen. Extremely rare. Purchased from Glendinings, 30-4-1986, Lot 291. 3 Specimens are known, possibly this is a 4th, unless this piece is either the Peck or Ashby specimens (both of which collections have been dispersed).
091 image 1697/6 William III. 1697 over 6. BMC -- . Weight 10.41g. (And G of GVLIELMVS over another letter, possibly G sideways.). Not recorded in BMC and an important "miss" by Peck. The overdate is very clear. Fine, very clear, extremely rare and hitherto unpublished.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
092 image 1697/6 William III. 1697 over 6. BMC -- . Weight 10.45g. Obverse a little double- struck. Different obverse die from other specimen in the Nicholson cabinet but from the same reverse die. Fine, very clear, extremely rare and hitherto unpublished. Purchased from Waters, 13-8-1979.
093 image 1697 William III. BMC 647. Weight 8.47g. Very Fine/Good Fine. Scarce. Purchased from from Aston Coins, 24-4-1979.
094 image 1697 William III. BMC 647*. Weight 9.91g. No Stops on either side. Also double - struck and off- centre striking add to this coin's intrigue. Date with dramatic double- strike. A bold Very Fine or better. Extremely Rare (Peck recorded only one location known).

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
095 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . No Stop after GVLIELMVS (but there is a stop after TERTIVS). Weight 10.63g. Fine/Near Fine, extremely rare. Unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
096 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . Weight 11.27g. E over H in TERTIVS. Good Fine, extremely rare. Unrecorded.

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, MC 233, £125, where it was described by Spink as Very Fine.
097 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.11g. No stops on obverse only. A little edgy, Very Fine/Near Very Fine. Unrecorded. Purchased from Nigel Clark, 16-3-1979.
098 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . Weight 11.87g. No stop on Reverse only (?). A possible rudimentary stop after BRITANNIA may be a flan flaw, or a very weak stop. Lettering, however, is very bold and clear. Good Fine/Fine. Extremely rare. Unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
099 image 1697 William III. I of TERTIVS over an E. BMC 648 (this piece listed). Weight 9.98g. Good Fine, clear even to the naked eye. Extremely Rare (Peck quotes this piece as the sole location).

Ex E.H. Wheeler, 12-03-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579.

Ex H.D. Davies, collection purchased by Baldwin ca 1955.

Ex C.W. Peck, collection purchased by Spink 1964-1968.

Ex Entwisle (accorcing to Dr Nicholson's notes).

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996) .
100 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . Weight 11.52g. I over V in TERTIVS. Fair - Near Fine, extremely rare. Unrecorded and hitherto unpublished. Purchased from Faversham, 22-4-1982.
101 image 1697 William III. GVLILMVS error and Reverse No Stop. BMC 649. Weight 10.81g. (this piece listed). No stop after GVLILMVS Good Fine. Extremely rare. (Peck recorded only this one piece.)

Ex Dr. E.A. Johnstone, collection purchased by Baldwin (1973).

Ex Roger Shuttlewood, Spink Numismatic Circular, February 2001, item MC 234, graded VF by Spink, £200.
102 image 1697 William III. BRITA NIA with a single letter N. BMC 650. Weight 12.01g. (At least 2 dies exist- this reverse die and the one photographed in Peck, which shows minor differences.) Peck suggests this may not necessarily be a genuine error. The missing N is more probably due to extreme weakness on the die, note the weak arm. Dr Nicholson counters with the following note: "But this does not look like a simple weakness. The sector involved looks as though it has been filed and this could only have been on the "working punch" (see BMC page 142). This would have removed any error which had been made in the legend but there was no way in which to re-insert the correct legend on that punch and this was then used to sink an actual die instead of being discarded. It can reasonably be argued as a valid variety." Good Fine/Fine. Extremely rare (Peck only recorded the Ashmoleum Museum piece but in a later footnote makes reference to a further specimen in a private collection from a slightly different die; perhaps this is the same specimen now offered).

Ex Glendinings, 30-4-1986, Lot 294, £50.
103 image 1697 William III. BRITA NIA (?). BMC 650. Weight 10.10g. Not totally convincing, as the coin is partially obscured in the relevant area. However, very close comparison with the photo in Peck's book shows this coin to be struck from the same BMC 650 die as that recorded by Peck. The remarks Peck and Dr Nicholson make (reproduced under Coin number 102 in this collection) are equally valid for this piece. Some weaknesses, Good Fine. Extremely rare (Peck recorded only the Ashmoleum Museum specimen struck from this die.)

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
104 image 1697 William III. No Stop after TERTIVS. BMC 650*. Weight 9.81g. Good Fine. Extremely rare (Peck recorded his own piece as sole location).

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
105 image 1697 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.64g. • TERTIV• on the obverse. A bold Fine, very clear, the only known example, hitherto unpublished.

Ex Spink Coin Auction 95, 25-11-1992, Lot 251 (part). 'Property of a Gentleman'.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
106 image 1698 William III. BMC 651. Date in Exergue. Weight 9.94g. Dr Nicholson notes: "Near Extremely Fine/Good Very Fine with weakly struck areas. Flan has a small shaving off the Reverse margin at left side of the exergue. There are no clear Obverse stops, although a mark level with the top of the terminal 'S' may be one. This is a uniquely good specimen of a coin which is difficult to find in any condition." Possibly the finest specimen extant. Extremely rare.

Ex Archbishop Sharp, Glendining, 5-10-1977, Lot 246. Purchased from Nigel Clark, 16-3-1979.
107 image 1698 William III. Date in Legend. BMC 674. Weight 9.70g. Dr Nicholson notes: "Reverse upper area poorly struck, perhaps because the flan is slightly thinner in that sector between 10 and 12 o'clock, from the upraised arm of Britannia to her head. (See also the corresponding area of the obverse.) The second N is weak, though almost invisible on the photo but can be seen best when viewing the coin obliquely. This N appears to be smaller than the other N but this may be illusory." Fine, very rare. Purchased from Barney, 17-12-1979.
108 image 1699 William III. BMC 675. Weight 9.95g. ) Described in the Hopetoun House sale catalogue as : "A weak patch on the rim by BRITAN, otherwise Practically Mint State, well-struck, with some brilliance and thus extremely rare". Dr Nicholson notes: " The field is highly polished [not in a detrimental sense] with few blemishes and is equally as good as those of some undoubted proofs of Charles II and William and Mary. The letters and digits are elegant and well laid out. The strike is even and strong. including the complete edge. In all of these qualities it is quite different from even the best William III currency halfpennies (compare with items 079, 139 and 147 in this collection, which are not proofs). It is clearly superior to the only "date in legend" halfpennies photographed by Peck and it is very probable that he never saw this specimen. This could be the "Copper Proof" described by Montague (2nd edition, page 75) as being in the collection of Mr Mackerell; this piece was not recorded by Peck and it is added evidence that Peck never saw it. My feeling is that it is a Copper Proof and it is quite likely to be the Mackerell example. If it is not to be regarded as a proof it is certainly a specially minted piece and the distinction is rather difficult to define."

Ex Hopetown House, Spink Coin Auction 68, 22-3-1989, Lot 583, £457.
109 image 1699 William III. Date in legend. BMC -- . Weight 9.27g. First A (only) in BRITANNIA is unbarred. (Compare with BMC 676.) Weak at top of obverse and correspondingly at the bottom of the reverse, as often found, otherwise Good Fine, extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
110 image 1699 William III. Date in legend. BMC 676. Weight 8.82g. Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. Fine, extremely rare. (Peck quoted one location only, Parsons (1954)).

Ex H. Pegg, Spink Coin Auction 11, 8-10-1980, Lot 456 (part).
111 image 1699 William III. Date in legend. BMC -- . (Compare with BMC 676 and coin 109 in this collection.) Weight 11.22g. First A in BRITANNIA unbarred. Also with No Stop after GVLIELMVS possibly. A bold Fine, extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
112 image 1699 William III. Date in legend. BMC -- . Weight 7.68g. (Compare with BMC 676 and coins 109 and 111 in this collection.) First A in BRITANNIA unbarred. (There does appear to be a Stop after GVLIELMVS). A strong Fine, extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
113 image 1699 William III. Date in legend. BMC -- . Weight 8.92g. Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. No stop before or after date. Indeed, there is no room for a stop before the date as the legend and date are 'continuous'. Some areas of pitting on the obverse, Fair, extremely rare and unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
114 image 1699 William III. GVLIEMVS (No "L") error legend. BMC 677. Weight 10.35g. Good Fine or better, particularly on the obverse. Extremely rare. Better than the BMC plate coin and better than the Glendinings piece, 30-4-1986. Purchased from Glendinings 10-7-1991, Lot 335. Another specimen (or same ?) in Pegg sale (Spink Coin Auction 11, 8-10-1980).
115 image 1699 William III. GVLIELMV • . BMC -- . Weight 9.91g. Weak at end of GVLIELMV but there is a clearer specimen from the same dies in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Some obverse surface porosity, ortherwise Fine. Extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
116 image 1699 William III. Mule with Type l Obverse and Type 3 Reverse. (Peck confusingly describes as Type 2 obverse, which is the same as Type 1). BMC 686. Weight 8.26g. Fine. Extremely rare (Peck recorded only two specimens). Purchased from Rarity Coins 24-7-1979.
117 image 1699 William III. BMC 687. Weight 10.42g. A's of BRITANNIA were inverted V's with an added chisel cut to make A. Note they are quite different from each other. Dr Nicholson notes: "The two A's of BRITANNIA appear to have been struck from the same inverted V punch with bars from a separate chisel stroke at different levels." Small arc cut out of flan before striking but an excellent coin. Good Very Fine and scarce in this condition. Purchased from Rarity Coins 24-7-1979.
118 image 1699 William III. BMC -- . Weight 10.68g. Last A in BRITANNIA unbarred. Bar to first A is clearly a separate chisel stroke. 2nd A seems unbarred. Good Fine, very rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
119 image 1699 William III. BMC -- . Weight 8.68g. No Obverse Stops (pretty definite). Also BRITA NIA apparently (ie missing first N), though both need verifying by die comparison if and when a better example can be found. Tiny, attempted piercing (unsuccessful) at Britannia's head. Fine/Near Fine. Extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
120 image 1699 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.58g. Very tall 2nd A in BRITANNIA, strikingly so. Almost Very Fine/Good Fine, most unusual, hitherto unnoticed by cataloguers.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
121 image 1699 William III. BMC 687 (variant) 11.05g. Flan flaw (?) at side of I in TERTIVS. Wrongly listed by Spink as "TERTLVS" error. The error made by Spink in listing this as TERTLVS is understandable but Dr Nicholson's re-assessment is a welcome amendment before TERTLVS becomes a standard listing. A bold Fine, a coin that requires discerning eyes.

Ex H. Pegg, Spink Coin Auction No 11, Lot 456 (part).
122 image 1699 William III. BMC 688 (this piece listed). Weight 10.77g. Stop after date. Good Fine. Extremely rare (Peck recorded only 2 locations, including this one).

Ex C. W. Peck (Item 10088, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, bought by A. H. Baldwin,£50)

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
123 image 1699 William III. BMC 689. Weight 10.33g. Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. Approaching Very Fine. Very rare (Peck quoted only 2 locations). Purchased from Colin Cooke, 26-2-1981.
124 image 1699 William III. GVILELMVS • BMC 690 (this piece listed), which does not list the stop after GVILELMVS. Weight 8.99g. This piece is much better than the BMC piece attributed to Peck and photographed in BMC. Accompanying Spink envelope clearly states ex Peck, which is puzzling. (This last sentence is straight from Dr Nicholson's notes on his collection but as this cataloguer is writing, Dr Nicholson is still unable to find a quantity of tickets and envelopes, including this one.) Almost Very Fine, extremely rare. (See note at the bottom).

Ex C. W. Peck ?

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996). As Peck photgraphed the finest specimen he saw and this piece is so much better than the one he photgraphed in BMC, then it is likely this example is the finest known for this extremely rare variety.
125 image 1699 William III. TERTVS • error, with stop on reverse. BMC 691. Weight 9.15g. Near Fine, the error strikingly obvious. Extremely rare. Purchased from Nigel Clark 14-3-1981.
126 image 1699 William III. BMC 692 (this piece listed). Weight 9.64g. TERTVS • error and No Stop on Reverse. Dr Nicholson notes: "Reverse is from same die as BMC 691. It appears to be a worn BMC 691 with a faint hint of a stop. The entry in Peck is based on this piece and the one in the British Museum. Both are worn. A good case can be made for deleting this "variety" from Peck's book." It is significant that in Peter Lawrence's notes, he reached a similar conclusion that this was likely to be a "falsely recorded variety". Fair - Fine, extremely rare (Peck listed only this piece available to commerce).

Ex P.J. Kirkman

Ex C.W. Peck (Item 10090, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969)

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
127 image 1699 William III. BMC 693 (probably, or possibly BMC 693* or even BMC -- .). Weight 8.94g. No stop after GVLIELMVS or TERTIVS (?). Reverse stop very prominent. Fair only, very rare.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
128 image 1699 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.31g. No Stop on Reverse. Even on a high magnification, there is no evidence of a Stop on the reverse. Some green corrosion spots on the reverse, which need arresting to prevent further deterioration, otherwise Good Fine/Fine. Extremely rare and unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
129 image 1699 William III. BMC 693*. Weight 9.00g. No Stop after GVLIELMVS. A little bruised around the periphery, Fine/Fair. Extremely rare (Peck quoted 2 locations only).

Ex H. Pegg, Spink Coin Auction 11, 8-10-1980, Lot 456 (part).
130 image 1699 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.82g. TERTIVS over TERTVS (ie. I over V and V over S.) (Probably the centre of the S is also over a full stop, so the variety should read IVS• over VS• . A similar error is known on a 1695 farthing which has MVS• over VS•) Also first A in BRITANNIA unbarred. A bold Good Fine/Fine, the variety clear, extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Walter Whittall collection, purchased by Colin Cooke in April 1983. Purchased from Colin Cooke 10-5-1983. Though unrecorded in the literature, we have managed to track down several other pieces, as follows. In Croydon Coin Auction, 2-5-1994. Also in Spink Numismatic Circular, May 1998, item 2761 with a photgraph. Another is in Dix Noonan Webb Auction, 8-9-1999, part lot 385 ( now with a private collector in Australia).
131 image 1700 William III. BMC 696. Weight 9.22g. Both obverse E's show a line fault joining the serif of the mid- bar to the lower serif. T of BRITANNIA forms a solid block with the ghost of what might have been a former I. A strong Good Fine/Fine.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
132 image 1700 William III. BMC 696. Weight 9.24g. Both E and S of TERTIVS are struck with poorly made punches. Good Fine/Fine Purchased from Barney, 17-12-1979.
133 image 1700 William III. BMC 697. Weight 10.66g. Both A's of BRITANNIA unbarred. Date to left of exergue. Thinner flan at 4pm (obverse) results in weakly struck areas on both sides at this point, otherwise essentially Extremely Fine and quite exceptional. Rare thus. Purchased from Simon Porter, 31-3-1980.
134 image 1700 William III. BMC 698 . Weight 9.59g. Both A's of BRITANNIA unbarred. (No Stop). Surfaces depressingly dirty, Good Fine/Fine and the variety particularly clear. Very rare (Peck recorded BM as sole location).

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
135 image 1700 William III. BMC 699. Weight 9.37g. GVLIELMS error, and both A's of BRITANNIA unbarred. Good Fine, very rare.

Ex C. W. Peck (Item 10094, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, £30), purchased from B. A Seaby Ltd.

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
136 image 1700 William III. BMC 699. Weight 9.06g. GVLIELMS error and both A's of BRITANNIA unbarred. Only Fair - Mediocre. The errors particularly bold and clear. Purchased from Nigel Clark, 20-11-1979.
137 image 1700 William III. BMC 700. Weight 10.01g. GVLIEEMVS • error. Both E's have defective upper bars. Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. Good Fine, very rare.

Ex E. H. Wheeler, 12-3-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579.

Ex H. D. Davis, collection purchased by Baldwin circa 1955.

Ex C. W. Peck (Item 10095, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, £35).

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
138 image 1700 William III. BMC 700. Weight 10.15g. GVLIEEMVS • error. Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. About Very Fine. (Better than the ex Peck specimen also in this collection.) Almost certainly one of the finest known for this very rare variety.

Ex H. Pegg, Spink Coin Auction 11, 8-10-1980, Lot 456 (part).
139 image 1700 William III. BMC 701 (this piece listed and photographed on Plate 11). Weight 10.39g. • TER TIVS • (2.25mm space between R and T). Both A's in BRITANNIA unbarred. Good Very Fine, practically as struck with almost full mint lustre. One of the very finest known examples and extremely rare in this condition. Photographed in BMC. Quite exceptional.

Ex E. H. Wheeler, 12-3-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579 (part).

Ex H. D. Davis, collection purchased by Baldwin circa 1955.

Ex C. W. Peck (Not in Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969).

Ex E. M. H. Norweb (part 4), 17th June 1987, Lot 1519 (£725).

Ex Hopetoun House (part 4), 22-3-1989, Lot 584.
140 image 1700 William III. Weight 10.21g. BMC 702 (this coin listed). I of TERTIVS over V. Fine or better. Extremely rare (Peck listed only his own piece).

Ex E. H. Wheeler, 12-3-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579 (part).

Ex H. D. Davis, collection purchased by Baldwin circa 1955.

Ex C. W. Peck (Item 10096, Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1969, £25)

Ex Entwisle, though not in Spink Coin Auction 75.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
141 image 1700 William III. BMC 702. Weight 9.97g. I of TERTIVS over V. A little encrustation on the reverse, Fine/Fair, the variety very clear. Extremely rare (Peck listed only his own piece). Purchased from Nigel Clark 14-3-1981.
142 image 1700 William III. BMC 702. Weight 8.59g. I of TERTIVS over V. Poorish but remarkably, the particular variety is very clear on the coin, even if the photo does not show it up too well. Extremely rare (Peck listed only his own piece). Purchased from Rarity Coins 9-3-1984.
143 image 1700 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.57g. I over E in GVLIELMVS Fine, with usual weakness at the top of Britannia. All three bars of the underlying E are visible on the coin, even if they do not appear so on the accompanying photograph. Extremely rare and unrecorded. Purchased from Croydon Coin Auction, 28-07-1993, Lot 176.
144 image 1700 William III. BMC -- . Weight 7.47g. T of BRITANNIA over A. 2nd T of TERTIVS may also be overstruck. Good Fine/Fine, very clear on the coin, even if the accompanying photograph does not show it too clearly. Extremely rare, unrecorded variety.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
145 image 1700 William III. BMC -- .Weight 7.47g. T of BRITANNIA over A. 2nd T of TERTIVS less obviously overstruck than on the previous coin in the collection (no. 144). Only Fair but the variety is very clear on the coin. Extremely rare, unrecorded variety.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
146 image 1701 William III. BMC 703. Weight 9.73g. Unbarred A's in BRITANNIA. Near Very Fine/Fine, very rare. Purchased from Barney 17-12-1979.
147 image 1701 William III. BMC 704 (this piece listed). Weight 9.75g. Obverse No Stops. Unbarred A's in BRITANNIA. Extremely Fine or better with lustre on both sides. Extremely rare (Peck recorded only this piece). A quite exceptional coin.

Ex E. H. Wheeler, 12-3-1930, Sotheby, Lot 579 (part).

Ex H. D. Davis, collection purchased by Baldwin circa 1955.

Ex C. W. Peck (not included in Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1989).

Ex E. M. H. Norweb (part 2) 13-11-1985, Lot 486 (£446).

Ex Hopetoun House (part 4), 22-3-1989, Lot 585 (£506).
148 image 1701 William III. BMC 705 (variant). Weight 9.79g. Inverted A's for V's in obverse. Reverse BRITANNIA has inverted V's for A's. Large O of date, touching exergue line. Usual weakness at Britannia's head, Almost Very Fine/Very Fine and very rare in this condition. Purchased from Seaby 1-8-1979.
149 image 1701 William III. BMC -- . (705A?) Weight 9.34g. Inverted A's for V's in obverse, but normal size O in date which does not touch exergue line. Peck's footnote refers only to Large size O in the date. Reverse BRITANNIA has inverted V's for A's. Portrait and Britannia Fine, legends Very Fine. Very rare. Purchased from Nigel Clark, 18-10-1979.
150 image 1701 William III. BMC 705 (different die). Weight 9.86g. Inverted A's for V's in obverse. Large O of date. Reverse BRITANNIA has inverted V's for A's. Fine, rare. Purchased from Copper Coins Unlimited 28-7-1979.
151 image (1701) William III. BMC -- . (Compare with BMC 705). Weight 9.61g. Inverted A's for V's in GVLIELMVS but not in TERTIVS. Unbarred A's in BRITANNIA. Nice Fine, date illegible.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
152 image 1701 William III. BMC -- . Weight 9.84g. E over R in TERTIVS (evident only in a close up of the photograph). Large O in date. 2nd V in GVLIELMVS is curiously Y- shaped and may be the source of Bramah's note 18c. Usual weakness on Britannia's head, Fine, extremely rare, unrecorded.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
153 image 1701 William III. GV over B in GVLIELMVS. Clear overstrike, posibly caused by starting BRITANNIA on wrong side. The B can be seen slightly higher than the GV and fills up the space between the two letters.

Ex Peter W. Lawrence, 28-11-1997, collection purchased by Colin Cooke (1996).
154 image No Date William III. Obverse Type 3. Weight 9.44g. Obverse brockage. Almost Very Fine. Unusual quality. Rare. Purchased from Spink Numismatic Circular, December 1979, item 11495 (photo), £75.

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