About Us

Our website features thousands upon thousands of coins, many with accompanying colour photographs and ordering is very simple by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button featured alongside every item for sale.

We have acquired a worldwide reputation for accurate and conservatively graded English and foreign coins and are renowned for our honesty, integrity, professionalism and speed in processing your orders.

Our website has become a very successful addition to our "bricks and mortar" business and continues to grow and evolve month by month.

We believe our website is by far the largest numismatic retail website in the United Kingdom in terms of stock for sale and perusal, offering a very wide range of coins of almost every type. Additional sections and pages are always in development and the site is very regularly updated, usually several times each week.

We undertake commission bids for auctions throughout the U.K. (and often abroad as well). For a small commission, we will provide a professional appraisal of the coins and execute your bids. If you require this service, please contact us using our "Contact Us" page or alternatively you can phone or FAX.

Personal callers are welcomed by appointment only, as coins are not kept on the premises. Please ring/write/e-mail first to tell us when you would like to visit and we will arrange for the appropriate coins to be available for you to view.

Neil Paisley

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